Note: MMU provided computers are managed by the IT department with a software called Sophos. If you think a scan is needed, reach out to the IT helpdesk. Windows computers come with Defender, otherwise you will want to purchase Anti-Virus software that best fits your needs
Install Windows Updates
- Windows updates will ensure that your computer s up-to-date with new features and the latest security.
If a program looks to good to be true, it probably is
- The number one source of malware infections is free software programs you download from the Internet
- Pay careful attention to what you are downloading
- Know what other programs it may bring into your PC along with the original file
Practice Safe Surfing
- Avoid websites that offer unscrupulous content such as pirated software or adult material
- These sites are notorious for spreading malware
Secure your browser
- Set your browser's security settings high enough (Medium on Internet Explorer) to protect yourself from "drive-by-downloads"or Automatic installation of unwanted programs
Delete Spam
- Email is a common delivery vehicle for malware
- Delete messages from unknown senders
- Use caution with any email containing an attachment, even if it's from someone you know