Neil Leitru

Just checking if we could get a couple small holes drilled into the SDR podium so we would be able to run a power cord/charger and HDMI cable from the top corner of the podium where people put their laptops? The hole would be best probably in one of the top back corners of the podium for the top and middle/lower shelf. On the bottom shelf/lowest shelf could be anywhere along the back part of the shelf, then we would like a hole coming out where the speaker stands to run the cables along the ground so not sticking out the sides or front of the podium. We will need to figure out a mat or something to put over the cables to cover them and the speaker to stand on so the cables are not a tripping hazard. We won't have the cables in there all the time, only when they are requesting an HDMI hookup or plan on using their/our laptop, or when multiple microphones for the room and any other potential tech requests.

It would be nice to have a small hole on the top, middle shelf, bottom shelf and one going out of the bottom so we could hide as many wires as possible for presentations. 1 1/2" hole would probably be plenty big for a power cord for a laptop and an HDMI cable to fit in (a 1" hole would probably also work).

Just give a holler if you have more questions or the hole positioning does not make sense or would not work.





Service ID: 7996
Wed 9/18/24 2:23 PM
Wed 9/18/24 2:23 PM