Automatic Zeros


Automatic zeros help faculty manage grading efficiently by automatically assigning a zero to past-due assignments. This feature:

  • Saves time by reducing manual grade entry.
  • Provides students with an accurate reflection of their current grade.
  • Can be manually overridden in line with grading policies.

Note: Automatic zeros apply only to assignments with a due date. Manual grade columns do not support this feature.

How to Enable Automatic Zeros

By default, automatic zeros are disabled. To enable them:

  1. Navigate to the Gradebook of your Blackboard Ultra course.
  2. Click the gear icon to open Gradebook Settings.
  3. Scroll to the Automatic Zeros section and check the box to assign automatic zeros for past-due work.
  4. Confirm “All past due work will receive automatic zeros. Affected students’ point totals will update.” by clicking Assign Zeros.

Once enabled, the system will automatically assign zeros to past-due assessments. If you prefer to exclude an assignment from automatic zeros, you can either:

  • Remove the due date.
  • Set a distant future due date (e.g., the end of the semester).

Manage Automatic Zeros

  • Students can still submit work after receiving an automatic zero, subject to late submission policies.
  • Faculty can manually override grades at any time via the Gradebook or the Assignment Grading Page.
  • Disabling automatic zeros mid-course may impact existing grades.

Disable Automatic Zeros

If you decide to disable automatic zeros:

  1. Open the Gradebook Settings.
  2. Scroll to the Automatic Zeros section.
  3. Uncheck the box.
  4. Choose to either:
    • Keep existing automatic zeros (past assignments retain their zeros).
    • Clear existing automatic zeros (removes all assigned zeros).
  5. Confirm your selection.

Impact on Grading

Automatic zeros apply to:

  • Assignments (individual and group)
  • Tests (individual and group)
  • Discussions (gradable)
  • Journals
  • SCORM packages
  • LTI-integrated items
  • Manual grade items

Known Issue: Overridden Grades Reset to Zero When Due Date is Extended

  • If an instructor overrides a grade on a past-due assignment and later extends the due date, the overridden grade may reset to zero.
  • To avoid this issue, verify grades after extending due dates and manually re-enter any overridden grades if necessary.



Article ID: 16740
Wed 2/5/25 3:46 PM