The Content Market provides access to a wide range of valuable learning materials and technologies to enhance your courses. From here, you can integrate resources from textbook publishers and adopt tools such as Apprentice Tutors, Microsoft Teams Meetings, Qwickly Participation, Qwickly Course Tools, Webex, and YuJa. The tools and content you select will appear on your Course Content page alongside your other materials, ensuring seamless integration for both you and your students.
Most tools available in the Content Market utilize the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. This ensures a secure, FERPA-compliant exchange of data, including student enrollments, email addresses, and grades. Additionally, LTI integration allows you to connect your Blackboard account with external tools, eliminating the need to log in separately each time you use them.
To Access the Content Market
You can add materials from the Content Market to your course in two ways: by adding it to the Course Content page or by adding it via the text editor to an Assignment, Test, or Ultra Document.
On the Course Content page,
- click the plus (+) button and choose Content Market from the menu
In the text editor,
- click the plus (+) icon on the toolbar and choose Content Market from the menu
In the Content Market, click the plus icon in the lower right corner of the tool to create the link in Course Content, then select Edit to configure the LTI connection.
Publisher Content
For publisher content or assessments (e.g., Cengage, Macmillan, McGraw-Hill, or Pearson), contact your POC to set up your account and obtain instructions for integrating their platform with Blackboard Learn Ultra Course View.
Status Update on System Availability
As a faculty member, it’s important to know when the tools you use for teaching are working well. The Status Update provides real-time updates on things like Blackboard Ultra, grading tools, and other important platforms. Faculty can see if there are any problems, planned maintenance, or slowdowns. By checking the status page, instructors will be able to adjust lessons or assignments if needed and keep students informed.
Stay up to date using the links provided.