Creating a Quiz

  1. First make sure you are in the class in which you want to create a quiz for
  2. Next click ‘Assessments’ from the Navbar
  3. Then select ‘Quizzes’ from the drop down menu
  4. Make sure you are in the ‘Manage Quizzes’ tool and click ‘New Quiz’
  5. The next page is Properties of the New Quiz, fill in each item accordingly
    1. Give the Grade Item a name
    2. Select a Category or create a new one
  6. Now is the time to add questions, Click ‘Add/Edit Questions’
    1. On the new page click ‘New’ and then select the type of question
      1. (Depending on the type of question the next steps will vary)
    2. On each question the Title is optional if there is one
    3. Fill in each question accordingly based on the type of question it is
    4. Select the number of points the question is worth
    5. When finished with that question click save at the bottom
    6. If you are adding more questions repeat steps a-e
    7. If you are done adding questions then click ‘Done Editing Questions’ on the right side of the window
  7. Select the number of questions per page if you are wanting a specific number per page
  8. Under ‘Description/Introduction’ and ‘Page Header/Footer’
    1. Turn these on and edit them if you want these enabled for the quiz
  9. At the bottom under ‘Optional Advanced Properties
    1. Here you can change if you want to:
      1. Allow hints
      2. Disable right click (Which prevents the printing of quizzes)
      3. Disable pager and alerts
        1. If you turn on this option, users cannot access the pager tool or their alerts if they have a quiz attempt in progress
      4. Enter an email if you wish a different user to receive an email after a quiz is completed
  10. On the Restrictions Tab
    1. Set the ‘Status’ to active or else this quiz will not show up
    2. Set an availability date if you wish
    3. Attach release conditions if required
    4. Choose whether Respondus LockDown Browser is required to take the quiz
    5. If you want a password to be required when taking the quiz expand the ‘Optional Advanced Restrictions’ and set one here
    6. Choose whether a time limit is enforced and what it is
    7. Allow special access under the last section
  11.  On the Assessment Tab
    1. Set the quiz to automatic grade if all the questions are able to be graded this way
    2. Associate the quiz with a grade item from the Gradebook
    3. Add a rubric if needed
    4. Check the next box if you want to allow users to add the result to their ePortfolio
    5. Edit the number of attempts and which attempt to use for their overall grade
  12. On the Objectives Tab
    1. Here you can Associate Learning Objectives if needed
  13. On the Submission Views Tab
    1. You can edit what the users see after they finish the quiz
    2. Click on ‘Add Additional Views’ if you wish to change what they see after submission
  14. On the Reports Setup Tab
    1. You can choose to have the results of the quizzes to be reported to certain roles within the D2L environment
  15. When Finished click ‘Save and Close’ at the bottom of the page and you should see your new quiz show up on the ‘Manage Quizzes’ tab


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Article ID: 7491
Thu 8/24/23 11:49 AM
Mon 3/18/24 10:34 AM