In this article, learn how to add and use Panopto from within a Blackboard Ultra course.
- Creator access to Panopto
- Instructor access to Blackboard Ultra
1. Adding Panopto to a Blackboard Ultra Course
1.1. In the Details & Actions section of your course's navigation, select View course & institution tools from underneath Books & Tools (Fig. 1).
Figure 1
1.2. From the list of available tools, select Panopto Video (Fig. 2). Note: Depending on how your administrator has this tool configured, it may be named differently. If you are uncertain about the name of your organization's Panopto tool, please contact your local Panopto administrator for assistance.
Figure 2
1.3. Once you add the tool, a folder will be created for your course and will be easily accessible within your Course Content. Learn more at How to Add Panopto to Your Blackboard Ultra Course.
2. Using the Panopto Video Tool
2.1. In the Course Content area, select your Panopto tool (Fig. 3). Note: In this example, the tool is called Panopto Recordings. Depending on how your local Panopto administrator has this tool configured, it may be named differently.
Figure 3
2.2. In Panopto, all videos are organized into folders. When you open the course tool, you are taken directly to the folder that is automatically set up to store the videos for your course (Fig. 4). This folder is shared with everyone enrolled in the course. Instructors have access to create, modify, and share videos. Students only have access to search for and view videos. To share a video with students enrolled in the class, add it to this folder.
Figure 4
2.3. Though most of Panopto's features are available inside the course tool, you can open Panopto in its own browser tab by clicking the arrow icon located in the upper right corner (Fig. 5a). Full tab view makes it easier to manage videos across multiple course folders. To learn more about the Panopto Video Library and browsing content, please visit How to Navigate the Video Library.
Figure 5a
2.3.a. While in full tab view, you may see My Folder listed in the sidebar menu (Fig. 5b). If available, My Folder is a personal folder where you can create and edit videos prior to sharing them with your students. After editing, move the videos to the correct course folder. To learn more about the My Folder and moving videos, please use the following articles:
Figure 5b
3. Creating and Editing Content
3.1. Use the Create menu button, located to the right of the search bar, to upload or create content in Panopto through Blackboard Ultra (Fig. 6).
Figure 6
3.2. The following articles provide guidance on how to use Panopto to create and upload content:
3.3. To edit a video, hover over the video in the library and select the Edit button that appears (Fig. 7). This will open the Panopto editor in a new browser tab. Learn more about editing a video through the articles in our Edit section.
Figure 7
4. Viewing and Searching Panopto Videos
4.1. To view a video from within Blackboard, select the video's thumbnail or title (Fig. 8)
Figure 8
4.2. The video will open in a new tab, in the interactive viewer. For more information on the Viewer, please visit Learn About the Features of the Video Viewer.
4.3. Videos are also fully searchable. Panopto's Smart Search makes it easy to find content and videos relevant to your search. For more information, please visit How to Use Video Search.
5. Sharing Videos
5.1. From within the course folder on Blackboard Ultra, you can view the sharing settings of a folder by selecting the Share icon from the upper right corner (Fig. 9a)
Figure 9a
5.1.a. The section People and groups will list user groups and individuals that the folder has been shared with, along with their level of permission (Fig. 9b). For course folders, you will see at least two groups: a group of Creators and a group of Viewers. The Creator group contains anyone with instructor-level access to the course and the Viewer group contains all enrolled students. Note: You can share an entire folder with additional people or to a wider group using these instructions: How to Share a Folder.
Figure 9b
5.2. You can also share videos, and see who videos are shared with, by hovering over the video in the video library and selecting the Share button that appears (Fig. 10). For instructions on how to share a video with additional people, please visit How to Share a Video.
Figure 10
6. Embedding Videos
6.1. Panopto videos can be embedded into Blackboard course materials anywhere you have access to the text editor (Fig. 11). To embed videos into your course content, please follow the steps in the articles below:
Figure 11
7. Student-created Video and Quiz Assignments
7.1. There are two ways that instructors can allow students to record videos in Panopto:
7.1.a. Instructors can create a Blackboard assignment and have students submit a video directly to them for grading. Instructions for setting up an assignment to work with Panopto and for submitting a video to an assignment can be found in the following articles:
7.1.b. Instructors can create a special type of folder in Panopto, called an Assignment Folder, where students can create videos. This folder is not linked to the grade book.
7.2. Instructors can add quizzes to videos and, if needed, link the quizzes to the Blackboard Ultra grade book. To learn more about quizzing, please visit:
8. Additional Information and Resources
8.1. The following articles may also be helpful in learning how to use Panopto with Blackboard Ultra: