Instructors can download the full gradebook or specific columns from their courses to work with in external programs like Microsoft Excel for tasks such as statistical analysis.
Steps to Download Grades
- In the gradebook, select the Download option. This will open the Download Grades panel.
- Select Full Gradebook and then choose the full gradebook or select specific items to include in the download.
- Select the file format for the download: either comma-delimited (CSV) or tab-delimited (XLS).
- Decide where to save the file. You can save it to your local device or choose a folder within the Content Collection.
- Click Download to generate and save the file.
Note: Items with anonymous grading, two graders per student, or peer review cannot be included in the downloaded file.
Grade Information in the Downloaded File
When downloading the full gradebook, the exported file will include grades that are either posted or ready to post, but no feedback will be included. If overall grades are set up in the gradebook, they will also be included. Grades are displayed in the format selected for each item, such as points, letters, or percentages, and the column headers will indicate the display format for each grade.
This process ensures you have a flexible, editable file for analysis or updates while maintaining compatibility with the Learn system.
Steps to Download Grade History
It is important for instructors and administrators to track changes made to grades in a course for audit purposes. The grade history records serve as a valuable audit trail, helping to address student questions, resolve grade challenges, and ensure transparency. These records can be easily downloaded from the gradebook.
- Select Download Gradebook to open the Download Grades panel.
- Choose to download the grade history, select items to include and then Last Modified Date.
- Select the file type for the downloaded file. Data files are comma-delimited (CSV) or tab-delimited (XLS).
- Select the location for the download. You can save the file to your device or select a folder in the Content Collection.
- Select Download.
Grade History Information in the Downloaded File
Faculty can use this information to track grade changes, ensure compliance with institutional policies, address student inquiries or disputes, and gain insights into student performance and submission status. It also helps faculty maintain transparency and review grading decisions effectively.
The downloaded grade history file includes:
- Date and time of the grade entry
- Assessment type and grade category
- Last user who edited the grade
- Student username
- Submission receipt and attempt number
- Grade type (regular or override)
- Obtained grade value
- Event details (e.g., group attempt, not posted, needs grading)
Non-posted grades are also included for further insight into grade changes.