Gradebook Interface

This document will explain how to navigate the Ultra Gradebook. It has three views that will be explained as well. Instructors can manage items and post grades from the three views: Gradable Items, Grades, and Students. 

  1. Within a course, select Gradebook from the navigation bar at the top. 
  2. Underneath the navigation bar are tabs for the three views: Gradable ItemsGrades, and Students
  3. To the right are four icons. The first icon is the Search by submission receipt button. 
  4. The second icon is Upload Gradebook. NOTE: Uploading to the gradebook is NOT recommended. 
  5. The third icon is the Download Gradebook button. 
  6. The last icon is the Gradebook Settings button. 
    • NOTE: These icons are visible no matter which grade view you are viewing. 


Gradable Items View 

The Gradable Items view displays all gradable items in your course. You can view the items categories, due dates, and grading status. You can also post grades and adjust the overall grade.  

In this view you can achieve the following: 

  1. At the end of each row is the Move button. Use it to move the item to a new location. 
  2. Next to the move button is the More Options button. Use this button to edit or delete the item, among other options. NOTE: Use caution when deleting items because you will be deleting everything, and it cannot be restored 
  3. Items with missing submissions past the due date display in red. 
  4. Select an item’s name to go to its Grades & Participation page. 
  5. Select the grading status to go directly to the assessment’s submissions page and start grading. 
  6. In the Posts column, you will see if graded items need to be posted and post them. 

Grades View  

The Grades view displays in grid view. Here you can view each student’s grade for a specific assignment, with one student per row and one gradable item per column. You can use the arrow buttons in the item column to sort columns into ascending or descending order.  

At the top to the right of the gradebook views, you can use the Search gradebook field to search for a student. Next to the Search field is the Filter button. Use the Filter button to narrow the information displayed in the grid to exactly what you need. You can filter by Students, Groups, Gradable Items, Assessment Type, and/or Categories. 

In the grid, you can select a student’s gradable item to open the menu. The options in the menu may include: 

  • View — Go directly to the assignment submission and start grading. 
  • Feedback — Enter feedback for overridden test/assignment grades and automatic zeros.  
  • Post — Post a grade that’s been assigned but not yet posted. 
  • Add or edit exceptions — If an assignment is timed or has a due date, you can add exceptions here, as well as allow multiple attempts. 
  • Add or edit exemptions — You can remove an assignment from being counted towards a student’s overall grade. 

The student grid contains color-coded text: 

  • Green — Posted grades 
  • Red — Automatic zeros 
  • Purple — New submissions 

When you select a gradable item at the top of the Grades view, a menu opens. These options are available based on the gradable item type and whether students have made submissions.  

  • Edit  
  • Post 
  • Question Analysis 
  • Download Results 
  • Statistics  
  • Download Submissions 
  • Delete 

A gradable item that is crossed out, means it is not visible to students.  Note: Columns cannot be hidden from the instructor. Edit the item to make it visible.  

Students View 

The Students view lists the names of all your students with their dates of last access and their overall grades. You can only see overall grades if you’ve set up the overall grade for the course. 

At the top, on the left, you can search for students. To the right you can determine how many items you would like to view per page and navigate through the pages. 

Students with grading accommodations have a purple flag near their name. 

Select the more options button to send students an email directly and add accommodations. 

Select a student’s name to go to the Student Overview page. Here you can view their student activity, accommodations, and send messages to them. On the Grades tab you can also view grades and feedback that has been provided. Select the Notes tab to add notes about the student. These notes are internal. Students cannot see them.