Blackboard Forms are versatile tools for collecting student feedback, opinions, and thoughts. While not graded by default, they can be made gradable, offering flexibility in how they’re used.
What is a Blackboard Form?
A Blackboard Form is a feature available under Assessment in the Create Item menu. Forms are designed to collect students’ responses through various question types. By default, forms are ungraded, but instructors can assign grades by modifying the Form Settings during or after creation. Submitted responses are visible in the Gradebook for review.
Form Question Types
Unlike test questions, form questions do not include correct answers, points, or feedback. You can include the following question types:
- Essay: Open-ended responses for student thoughts.
- Likert: Collect scaled opinions (exclusive to Forms).
- Multiple Choice: No correct answer required.
- True/False: No correct answer required.
Create a Form
Click the plus (+) icon where you want the Form to appear in your course content, then select Create. From the available item options, choose Form under the Assessment section.
Form settings
The Form Settings panel on the right-hand side of the page provides a summary of the current settings for your form, such as:
- Due Date
- Grade Category (default: Form)
- Grade (default: Not graded)
- Attempts Allowed
Making Forms Gradable
- Open the Form Settings panel on the right.
- Assign a grade value (e.g., awarding full marks for submission or grading based on quality).
- To customize additional settings, click the settings cog in the top-right corner.
View Form submissions and student activity
To manage and review a specific Form, click on it to access the following tabs located just below the Form name:
Content and Settings
- View and edit the Form’s content.
- Adjust settings.
- Modify configurations, such as due dates or grading preferences.
Submissions Tab
- View all submissions in one place.
- Click a student’s name to review their responses.
- [If graded] Provide feedback using the plus (+) icon next to their response.
- Download responses for offline review.
Student Activity Tab
- Monitor time spent interacting with the Form.
- See who has viewed or started the Form.
Blackboard provide more information on the Student Activity Details for Assessments.