Blackboard currently does not have an automatic late submission penalty feature, but it is under future consideration. This feature would enable automatic grade deductions for late submissions, such as a percentage reduction per day or a fixed grade deduction, without manual intervention.
For now, instructors can manually apply penalties using the grade override feature in the gradebook.
Late Submission Notifications
Student View
When a student submits an assignment after the due date, their submission receipt will clearly display the word (Late) next to the submission date. This serves as an indicator that the assignment was submitted past the deadline.
Instructor View
Late submissions are clearly marked with a visual cue, such as a red icon, red text, or a “Late” label displayed next to the submission date. This ensures that instructors can easily identify assignments submitted past the due date at a glance.
Manual Grade Override
To apply a late submission penalty, override a grade by manually entering a different grade to replace the system calculated score.