Respondus Assessment Tools

LockDown Browser helps ensure academic integrity by preventing cheating during proctored online exams. Watch a short introductory video to see how LockDown Browser functions from a student’s perspective.

Respondus Monitor offers fully-automated online proctoring for remote testing.

Access Respondus Tools

Learn more about LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor by accessing the Respondus tool listed under Books & Tools in your Ultra Course.

Topics include:

  • Getting Started
  • Video Tutorials
  • Guides and Support
  • Other Systems

Sync Copied Courses with LockDown Browser

When a master course with LockDown Browser (LDB) settings is copied to a CRN course, the instructor must access the LockDown Browser tool from the Books and Tools pane and follow the steps provided to “sync” the CRN course with the LDB settings.