If the instructor has enabled Automatic Zeros in the Gradebook settings, any assignment not submitted by the due date will automatically receive a 0% (Override). When a student later submits the assignment, the instructor must manually adjust the grade by removing the override.
Steps to Remove the Override and Grade the Late Submission:
Located Late Submissions with Automatic Zeros
- Go to the Gradebook in Ultra Course View.
- Click on the Gradebook tab in your course.
- Switch to Gradable Items View.
- At the top of the Gradebook, click on the Gradable Items tab to see a list of assessments.
- Open the Assignment or Test That Needs Grade Adjustments.
- Find the specific assignment or test that has automatic zeros applied.
- Click on the name of the item to open the grading view.
- Filter for Submitted Assignments with an Override.
- Change the view filter to Student Status: Submitted (this helps identify students who submitted late but still have an override).
- Click on the Grade column header and sort in ascending order (this brings the 0% grades to the top).
Remove Automatic Zero Override and Grade
- Remove the Override for Each Student with 0%.
- Grade the Late Submission.
- Open the student’s submission.
- Assign the appropriate grade and provide feedback if needed.
- Repeat for All Affected Students.
This ensures that late submissions are properly graded rather than remaining at 0% due to the automatic override.